#Léo Major
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bikerboyfriend · 6 months ago
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neo-tokyo is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.
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mxjackparker · 1 month ago
If you're a history nerd like me and want to read up on the topic of sex work in 18th and 19th century France, this is the book for you! Contemporary Prostitution: Study of a Social Question (1884) by Leo Taxil and translated by Jack Parker.
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This book was never translated into English until I did so just over a year ago, so that other people could read the letters from real sex workers included and all the data about sex workers from someone who was arguing for the decriminalization of sex work back in 1884!
Get a PDF copy here and pay what you want, including claiming a copy for free if you don't have the money.
I'm Jack, the translator for this work, and I am a sex worker activist who happens to be bilingual in English and French. Between the slang, historical language, and the amount of euphemisms used for a profession as stigmatized as prostitution is, this took a long time but was well worth it!
I started reading La Prostitution Contemporaine with the expectation that I would be infuriated by the sexist and whorephobic commentary within it, but that it would provide me with context about the 1800s and the view of prostitution in that time period. While I was right that the stigmatisation of sex workers is rife within this work, I also found a fascinating and complex description of all the specific troubles sex workers face. I found that, despite still discussing sex workers as engaging in immoral behaviour and being decidedly homophobic and sexist, Léo focuses majority of his criticism on the police and on those who control sex workers.
Taxil makes repeated arguments in favour of police abolition, the decriminalization of sex work, and improving workers rights and eradicating poverty so that people are not pushed into sex work by a need for money.
This work contains commentary about lesbianism in the Victorian era, and lesbianism within brothel environments. It provides amazing insight into the homophobic views people had in the time period, as well as specific information about the lives of lesbian sex workers. There are scathing critiques of the morality police from the time period, particularly with regards to their treatment and registration of sex workers! It is rich with citations from other authors about how "maquerelles" and madams and "souteneurs" all interacted with sex workers and what those sex workers' lives were really like. The book is also one of the only works from the time discuss male prostitution, with an entire chapter dedicated to it and mentions in several chapters throughout the book.
Would love for more people to read this history that I worked so hard to translate!
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historynerdj2 · 2 months ago
History Memes #67
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Or, how a single Canadian liberated an entire Dutch town
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lepartidelamort · 8 months ago
L’armée française finalise son déploiement en Ukraine
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Nous l’avons hurlé sur tous les toits pendant deux ans, à présent nous y sommes.
Hélas, maintenant que c’est officiel, il ne se produit rien. La plèbe française marche à l’abîme comme un somnambule.
Les lignes bougent vite en Ukraine et les dernières réticences occidentales tombent les unes après les autres. Après l’autorisation de frapper le territoire russe avec des armes occidentales, la seconde ligne rouge qui pourrait prochainement voler en éclat concerne l’envoi de soldats occidentaux sur le sol Ukrainien. Emmanuel Macron pourrait en faire l’annonce le 6 juin, à l’occasion des cérémonies du débarquement et en présence du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky. L’idée fait son chemin et semble même très avancée. Le 20 mai, le général Thierry Burkhard, chef d’état-major des armées françaises, était à Kiev. Une semaine plus tard, le commandant en chef des forces armées ukrainiennes Alexandre Syrski a possiblement vendu la mèche en annonçant avoir déjà signé les documents qui permettront aux militaires français de visiter les centres de formations ukrainiens. « La formation sur le sol ukrainien fait partie des chantiers discutés », se contente de dire le ministère des Armées à Paris. Mais l’hypothèse d’instructeurs français en Ukraine prend corps, analyse Elie Tenenbaum, directeur de recherche à l’Institut français des relations internationales : « Il ne s’agit pas pour l’instant, dans ce qui circule, de troupes de combat. Il ne s’agit pas d’opérations de combat à mener en Ukraine. Il s’agit de personnels militaires qui prolongeraient la formation qui est donnée aux soldats ukrainiens. Et il s’agirait ici, de prolonger, du côté ukrainien de la frontière, cette formation. Sachant que ça permettrait aux Ukrainiens de gagner du temps, le temps de déplacement, de s’approprier les enjeux immédiats du terrain, et cetera. »
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Elie Tenenbaum aime la guerre, il est également juif, comme Zelensky
Reste à définir le cadre permettant ce déploiement, car là encore tout le monde n’est pas sur la même longueur d’onde, rappelle Elie Tenenbaum : « On imagine plus difficilement un déploiement sous un format Eumam [La mission d’assistance militaire de l’Union européenne en soutien à l’Ukraine, est une opération de l’Union européenne décidée dans le cadre de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune, NDLR] de l’Union européenne par exemple, parce qu’on sait qu’il y a certains pays pour lesquels cette option n’est pas acceptable, dont l’Allemagne. Donc un format ad hoc avec une coalition de pays volontaires dont la France. Mais on sait qu’il en existe d’autres, la République tchèque, la Pologne, sans doute plusieurs pays baltes, au moins l’Estonie. On pourrait imaginer un cadre strictement ad hoc avec une nation cadre coordinatrice de l’effort mis en place. » La France pourrait prendre la tête de cette coalition d’Instructeurs pour l’Ukraine et pourrait l’annoncer dès la semaine prochaine lors du D-day, pensent certains. Il y aurait d’abord une mission d’évaluation, disent des diplomates français cités par le journal Le Monde, avant d’envoyer plusieurs centaines d’instructeurs, essentiellement pour des missions de maintenance des matériels fournis à l’Ukraine, pointe le spécialiste de l’armement Léo Péria-Peigné, chercheur à l’Ifri : « L’intérêt d’envoyer des formateurs en Ukraine, il est limité. Déjà, on les mettra sur un pan restreint du territoire parce qu’on ne peut pas les approcher trop près du front. On ne pourra pas leur faire organiser de grandes opérations d’entraînement à ciel ouvert parce qu’il faut quand même éviter de prendre une munition russe. Donc, c’est assez contraint. Il y aura probablement du déminage, des opérations de maintenance, de l’apprentissage du commandement, autant d’éléments qui peuvent se faire en intérieur. Maintenant, ce qui va être intéressant, c’est voir ça comme un premier pas, est-ce que ça peut dériver sur autre chose, une fois qu’on aura le pied là-bas. » Et une question reste en suspens, rappelle Elie Tenenbaum, quelle serait la réaction de Moscou à l’arrivée en Ukraine d’instructeurs occidentaux ? « Tout est possible. La Russie pourrait décider de laisser passer, comme elle a laissé passer, le soutien en matériel jusqu’à présent, en sachant que c’est une démonstration de la solidarité vis-à-vis de l’Ukraine. Et ça n’aurait pas forcément un impact immédiat sur le terrain et sur le rapport de force entre la Russie et l’Ukraine. La Russie pourrait finalement décider de l’accepter. Elle pourrait aussi décider de marquer le coup avec des actions hostiles et des frappes, avec des tentatives de déstabilisation. Et là, bien évidemment, il faudrait voir quelles sont les réponses qui peuvent être envisagées. Je pense qu’on y travaille d’ores et déjà avec nos alliés et avec nos partenaires ukrainiens. » La présence de soldats occidentaux sur le sol ukrainien pourrait-elle être interprétée comme une cobelligérance ? L’Estonie, favorable à l’initiative, assure qu’il n’y a dans cette démarche, rien d’escalatoire.
Tout est soigneusement mis en place et ce n’est même pas un secret. Ces quelques centaines « d’instructeurs » sont un appât, aussi bien pour la Russie que pour l’opinion publique française. Le but est d’en faire tuer un certain nombre par les Russes pour justifier l’intervention ultérieure des troupes de l’OTAN.
Au premier soldat français tué, le système saturera l’espace médiatique d’appels patriotards et menacera d’arrêter quiconque fait mine de ne pas soutenir l’entrée en guerre.
L’infrastructure de contrôle mise en place lors du Covid va être utilisée pour surveiller tout le territoire, faire appliquer un couvre-feu, restreindre les activités de la population, surtout politiques, et procéder à des arrestations administratives d’opposants.
L’autre avantage, c’est que Macron pourra se maintenir au pouvoir indéfiniment. Il suffit de regarder l’état de la dette française pour comprendre que la guerre est le moyen pour Macron et la caste dirigeante qu’il représente de se maintenir au pouvoir.
Les juifs de BlackRock n’ont pas investi pour rien en Ukraine. Il n’y a pas de retour en arrière possible.
Démocratie Participative
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musicallisto · 1 year ago
cym as your favourite pieces of classical music
sorry for taking so long omg? legitimately did not see this ask and the next one😭
you as asturias by isaac albéniz (for piano) (one of my absolute FAVORITE pieces of all time and a dream to play someday)
@retvenkos as el amor brujo: danza del fuego by manuel de falla (p sure i already cast you as this one but !! it still stands)
@permanentreverie as prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune by claude debussy (debussy vibes are off the charts w you tbh)
@eclliipsed as lakmé (flower duet) by léo delibes
@desamoureuses as la moldau by bedřich smetana
@starlit-epiphany as romance in f sharp major by robert schumann
@locke-writes as le carnaval des animaux : aquarium by camille saint-saëns
@margofiore as voices of spring by johann strauss II
@hotgirlsrk as symphony no.40 in g minor by wolfgang amadeus mozart
@its-me-satine as jeux interdits (romance) as narciso yepes (yes thats not classical thats a movie score but idc !!)
@daydreaming-optimist as waltz of the flowers by pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky
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eurovision-del · 1 year ago
Portugal start their Eurovision selection tonight with the first semi final of Festival da Canção. This is another national final I always look forward to, so what did I make of this year's songs?
iolanda – Grito
João Borsch – Pelas Costuras
Rita Rocha – Pontos Finais
Bispo – Casa Portuguesa
MELA – Água
Huca – Pé de Choro
Rita Onofre – Criatura
Perpétua – Bem Longe Daqui
Nena – Teorias da Conspiração
Mila Dores – Afia a Língua
No Maka ft. Ana Maria – Aceitar
João Couto – Quarto Para Um
Maria João – Dia
LEFT. – Volto a Ti
Léo Middea – Doce Mistério
Buba Espinho – O Farol
FILIPA – You Can’t Hide
Cristina Clara – Primavera
Silk Nobre – Change
NOBLE – Memory
I generally enjoyed this selection – writing up a few notes on each song as I listen to help me rank them, the word I used more than any other was ‘interesting’ – usually as a compliment but occasionally not so much. However, aside from a couple of songs at the bottom that did not work for me, I enjoy the vast majority of songs here, but two stand out above the rest.
My absolute favourite is Grito. This is a fantastic song, dramatic without being melodramatic, sombre but never dull. I love the way it progresses, from the completely a cappella opening (which will be impressive if she can nail it live) building up to a climax on the titular cry at the end of the bridge, before drawing back for an ending that summarises the melancholic tone of the whole song. I love the melody on the chorus, the little repeated ‘ainda arde’ is beautiful and sticks in my mind. The overall sound here has an almost cinematic quality with the orchestration, it feels powerful, but also haunting at the same time. It’s a brilliant example of the sort of ballad I love.
I also really like Pelas Costuras – I knew I would before João even started singing with that guitar intro and immediate pulsing beat. It’s a very cool sound, and the descending melody gives it this dark colour which I love. I like the way it’s been produced, it’s got this gritty quality to it while also sounding polished and complete, and I love the tone of João’s vocals on the studio cut.
I really want one of those two to win. While there are plenty of other songs I enjoy, those two are so far ahead of the rest of the pack for me I’ll miss them if something else wins. Of course, my opinions could change if either fails to deliver live, but I’m really hoping they can both pull it off. Looking at the whole competition, the semis are really unbalanced in terms of how much I like the songs in each – in my entire top 10 there's only two from the second semi – not a great place to be in cause it means I'm definitely gonna loose some songs I like tonight, but on the other hand it means I’ve got a lot to look forward to in the show itself!
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inkling0121 · 1 year ago
You Remember that au I made right? it's the one were Mikey and Leo were raised by Shredder to be foot soldiers with Karai being manipulated by the Shredder, believing they have no one but themselves as family, and meeting Donnie and Raph, who are pals with Casey and April already helping them take down the foot solider to face off against Shredder. They cross paths with each other, which shapes how the story continues. Mikey starts to question Shredder, believing that the other side is who he should be with because he starts finding the way the foot handles things to be suspicious, so he goes on his own solo fights throughout this iteration, fighting Raph and Donnie every now and then, with Leo popping in to see assist and see if everything is okay. He also starts questioning his loyalty, but never brings it up since he believes in his father, Shredder, and sister Karai are innocent, so he and Mikey get into a fight, and Mikey chooses Raph and Donnie, which upsets Leo, who throughout the rest fights with Karai to try and get Mikey back on the shredder side. well I was wondering if you had any good advice on how I should start off with it I have been thinking about starting on Raph Donnie side so that I could set up Mikey and Léo later on but I don't know where to start with it do you have nay good suggestions for me? also I should I make Karai a trio with Mikey and Leo in the beginning or should I try incorporating her later on when things get more serious? sorry for the long ask btw.
I think the best way to start is to create the character designs, if you're not an artist just write it out, but what helps me to create new stories is to get the ground work down first
For my own au, I started this out MONTHS ago, like way before summer. I used to write fanfiction all the time (I'm talking about updating daily) but I fell out of that fandom and wanted to focus on art, so I would always start with the basis
What I have for my current au is: designs, world building, personalities, history (for major every party involved), relationships with others, side characters, enemies, and archs
Now the relationships with others was a bit unnecessary on my end but I still added it and it helped sort out some notes (like how Splinter and Shredder feel about each other since they grew up as brothers)
And the archs is where the real stories begin, theyre sorta arranged like chapters but some are like a day or two long in the time like, and others are months and even years (the first part that I need to start drawing out soon), theyre more like the most important parts of the story, hold on
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Im gonna rename some of the archs cause the best chapter titles are the most comedic
But anyway Im starting from the beginning, a prologue sorta. Theres many routes you can take, but I think the origins are the best
However it would be cool to start with one side and have it be revealed. Maybe you could have Raph and Donnie run into Mikey and/or Leo and confront Splinter about it, then have Splinter tell them the true story of their mutation, I feel like that would be an interesting start
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sensitiveuser · 2 months ago
The Mont-de-Piété at the time of the Paris Commune
The Mont-de-Piété, a pawnbroker organization, often represented, for the poorest, the only real solution to benefit from fresh money in case of need. If they were not recovered after a certain period in exchange for a refund with interest, the objects deposited were resold by the organization which thus recovered its outlay.
Under the Second Empire, the majority of workers regularly had recourse to this institution. The Mont-de-Piété was nicknamed "my aunt".
The management of the Mont-de-Piété was one of the main concerns of the Paris Commune. The Communards devoted a lot of time to the subject of this institution, in discussions and deliberations.
Due to the declaration of war on Prussia, the sale of pawned objects had been suspended on August 15, 1870. Nevertheless, from September 4, the Mont-de-Piété intended to return to normal operations to recover the money advanced.
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On March 20, 1871, the Mont-de-Piété announced the resumption of sales on April 1. On March 29, Eugène Varlin had a decree passed that suspended sales until further notice. This decree was well received. It should be noted that due to unemployment and the total cessation of business, consequences of the Siege of Paris, a large number of workers, artisans and small traders had found themselves obliged to resort to the Mont-de-Piété.
Nevertheless, it must be admitted that the suspension of sales was not enough. According to Jean-Baptiste Clément, this measure "did not put clothes on the backs of the wives and children of the soldiers of the Commune" (comments collected by Michel Cordillot). Which gave rise to numerous protests.
On April 25, Augustin Avrial (member of the Federal Council of the Parisian sections of the International and of the Commission of Work and Exchange), who had resorted to the Mont-de-Piété, knew what to expect... He presented a draft decree. But what would be the financial cost of the measures proposed by Augustin? The question quickly arose, and gave rise to endless debates…
On May 1, Léo Frankel, on behalf of the Commission of Labor and Exchange, presented a detailed report, published in the Official Journal of the Commune. He insisted on the fact that these institutions had lent 38 million francs against the pledge of objects with a real value of 180 million, and that they worked in close collaboration with public charitable organizations, whose liquidation was very possible given the “immorality” of their principle and their “poor economic functioning”. Hence the need to abolish these organizations and establish in their place a social organization giving workers real guarantees of relief and assistance, if they were prey to unemployment or any illness.
In addition to the many difficulties to be resolved on a material level, due to the large number of people exposed, the measure proposed by Léo Frankel gave rise to new expenses that his unfortunately limited resources were unable to cope with.
The liquidation of the Mont-de-Piété posed major problems. François Jourde, delegate to the Finance Commission, expressed his reservations about the liquidation of the Mont-de-Piété; according to him, this would mean "harming property, which we have never done".
On 3 May, the discussion launched by Léo Frankel was put back on the agenda by the Municipal Assembly. This resulted in a draft decree presented by François Jourde (voted on 6 May). Article 1: "Any acknowledgement of the Mont-de-Piété prior to April 25, 1871, involving the commitment of clothing, linen, books, bedding and work instruments, not mentioning a loan exceeding the sum of twenty francs, may be released free of charge from May 12." Of course, there was no question of this decree benefiting speculators who had bought back debts at a low price... Hence Article 2: "The objects mentioned above may only be delivered to the bearer, who will prove by establishing his identity that he is the original borrower."
It should not be forgotten that the Commune undertook to compensate the Mont-de-Piété.
Crowds flocked to the gates of the Mont-de-Piété. During the Siege of Paris, almost all the families of the proletariat had brought their personal effects (household linens, clothing, kitchen utensils) to the Mont-de-Piété, in order to obtain food in exchange. It should be noted that there were approximately 800,000 deposits concerned. It was therefore necessary to organize the clearance in batches drawn at random to prevent the operations from turning into chaos. For the Commune, the total cost of the operation amounted to exactly 323,407 francs.
If events had left it time, the Paris Commune would have, without doubt, pushed further its thinking concerning the outline of a real social protection for the most deprived...
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The free removal of tools at the Mont-de-Piété, rue des Blancs-Manteaux. Drawing by Lix, engraving by Daudenarde for the illustration of Le Monde Illustré of March 6, 1875 (day of February 23, 1875).
Sources :
Gabriel Henriot - Procès-verbaux de la Commune de Paris.
Pierre-Henri Zaidman – La politique sociale de la Commune.
Michel Cordillot – La Commune de Paris, 1871 : Les acteurs, l’événement, les lieux.
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uncleweed · 7 months ago
It is with great sadness that we must announce the death of a dream. The death of european teleportation. It’s moving on to a better world.
Midnight Trains died today, surrounded by family and friends.
We have done everything in our power to succeed in making the shared dream of a 21st century night train come true. It was a beautiful, worthwhile night train that had the power to make sustainable travel between Europe’s major cities a reality.
Today is the end of an ambitious project launched by a bold trio. For four years, we’ve put all our energy into reinventing the night train to make it a mode of transport that’s in tune with our times, able to compete with medium-haul aviation and offers a desirable alternative to all those who wish to continue travelling, without trashing the planet.
It was a crazy gamble, but not that crazy. Over the last decade, european railway infrastructures have gradually opened up to all public or private operators wishing to run trains. Before then, it was only national operators (SNCF, RENFE, DB, etc.) who did so. The regulatory framework opened its arms to us. Some european achievements — Italo, Flix train, Regiojet, and Léo express — reinforced our desire to enter this market.
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georgebuckettwo · 7 months ago
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“Léo Major [was] a French-Canadian soldier in WW2 that single-handedly liberated the entire Dutch city of Zwolle. He captured the German commanding officer, forced their surrender, marched him and all his troops to Canadian lines, and declined a medal for this as his commander was ‘incompetent.’”
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bobmorane · 1 year ago
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LE 12 OCTOBRE 2008
Léo Major meurt à Candiac, au Québec. Il est un militaire québécois ayant servi dans Le Régiment de la Chaudière et le Royal 22e Régiment des Forces canadiennes. Il s'est distingué par ses actes de bravoure lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée. Il est surnommé le Rambo québécois.
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freelance-informatique · 2 years ago
FC Barcelone : Ce que pense Lewandowski du retour de Messi
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Le monde du football retient son souffle alors que le contrat de Lionel Messi avec le Paris Saint-Germain a pris fin. La destination future du septuple Ballon d'Or reste un mystère, alimentant les spéculations quant à la prochaine étape de sa carrière. Léo Messi de retour à Barcelone ? Le suspense continue : Lionel Messi à la croisée des chemins Le feuilleton de l'été dans le monde du football atteint son paroxysme alors que Lionel Messi, la légende vivante et septuple Ballon d'Or, voit son contrat au Paris Saint-Germain toucher à sa fin. L'avenir de l'attaquant argentin reste un mystère à ce stade, alors que les spéculations vont bon train quant à sa prochaine destination. Entre un possible retour au FC Barcelone, un transfert vers l'Arabie saoudite ou un saut vers la Major League Soccer américaine, Messi est face à un choix crucial qui déterminera la suite de sa carrière. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1665030204727648256 Lire aussi : Cristiano Ronaldo en MLS ? C'est peut-être possible...  Le souhait de Lewandowski : Messi de retour au FC Barcelone Du côté de Barcelone, où Lionel Messi a bâti sa légende pendant plus d'une décennie, les fans et certains membres de l'équipe ne cachent pas leur désir de voir le prodige argentin retrouver le Camp Nou. Robert Lewandowski, actuellement au FC Barcelone, a publiquement exprimé son souhait de le voir rejoindre l'équipe catalane. Cette perspective fait vibrer les cœurs des supporters blaugranas qui gardent encore en mémoire les prouesses inégalées de leur héros. Laporta et Xavi prêts à accueillir Messi, mais l'Arabie saoudite reste une possibilité Le président du FC Barcelone, Joan Laporta, et l'emblématique capitaine passé du terrain à la touche, Xavi Hernandez, se sont également prononcés en faveur d'un retour de Messi au sein de l'équipe. Ils estiment que l'Argentin est et sera toujours une partie intégrante de l'âme et de l'histoire du club. Le chemin de retour vers la Catalogne est semé d'embûches et de négociations complexes, qui nécessiteront une coordination minutieuse entre les parties impliquées. CR7 déjà présent en Arabie saoudite : Messi pourrait-il le rejoindre ? Malgré l'attrait du Barça, d'autres options se présentent à Lionel Messi. L'Arabie saoudite, qui a fait montre de sa volonté de faire venir des stars du ballon rond pour dynamiser son championnat local, semble être un candidat sérieux. Le royaume du Moyen-Orient a déjà réussi à attirer un autre géant du football, Cristiano Ronaldo, qui a récemment rejoint les rangs d'Al Nassr. La présence de CR7 en Arabie saoudite pourrait inciter Messi à explorer cette nouvelle aventure, qui lui offrirait des perspectives différentes et un environnement culturellement enrichissant. Voir également : Arabie saoudite : Lionel Messi a toute les raisons de choisir cette destination  MLS : une opportunité pour Messi ? En dehors des frontières européennes, la Major League Soccer (MLS) américaine est également une option envisageable pour Lionel Messi. Le marché nord-américain est réputé pour son attrait envers les joueurs de renom à la fin de leur carrière, offrant une exposition médiatique mondiale et des opportunités commerciales lucratives. Si Messi était tenté par un nouveau défi et une aventure transatlantique, la MLS lui offrirait une tribune idéale pour continuer à émerveiller les fans du monde entier. ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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pernambuconoticias · 2 years ago
Gravatá: vereador Léo do AR solicita parada de ônibus no Residencial Riacho do Mel III
O vereador e presidente da câmara municipal de Gravatá, Léo do AR, encaminhou na manhã desta terça-feira, 2, ao gabinete do Secretário de Defesa Social, Major Gilmar Oliveira, o ofício nº 039/2023 que solicita a construção de uma parada de ônibus aos moradores do Residencial Riacho do Mel III, situada na zona sul de Gravatá. O pedido, realizado em caráter de urgência, define que a parada de…
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jambone · 2 years ago
16 and 28 :)
16: one of your favorite classical songs
timeless. irreverent. a banger. undisputed champion.
but if we stay silly,
28. a song by an artist with a voice you love
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honeyed-blossom · 2 days ago
Thank you for the tag @pierrot-dokki 💓💓 I love the songs for Gwyn! (Ty for introducing me to some new artists!!)
I picked the majority songs off of vibes only because the mini playlist I made for Valeria turned into a classical playlist oops!
Here are some songs that remind me of ~
Valeria Davenport 🌸
also adding this because she was literally conceived (in my head) to this on repeat 🙂‍↕️
No pressure tag: @rypnami @dom1re @sonny201818 @light-of-the-room @myokk
I've wanted to do this for a WHILE for Bee, thank you for the tag @savingsallow 🥹
(I also have a spotify playlist dedicated to HL lmao i'm not okay)
Here are some songs that remind me of -
Phoebe Honeyball
might have already been tagged but: @light-of-the-room @ravenwind-75 @amethystandemma @syrooo @pierrot-dokki @accio-bagel @ps-cactus
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goodjohnjr · 5 years ago
The One-Eyed Scout Who Liberated A Whole Town By Himself
The One-Eyed Scout Who Liberated A Whole Town By Himself
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Source: YouTube
What is it?
The 2019 YouTube history video The One-Eyed Scout Who Liberated A Whole Town By Himself by the YouTube channel Simple History.
What is it about?
Here is the YouTube description for this video:
Léo Major a French-Canadian captured the Dutch town of Zwolle by himself during World War II.
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